Mask Project

Questions to answer on your blog post

  1.  Give your out of class mask project a title and describe why you titled it that way
  2. Who is(are) your model(s)?
  3. What type of lighting did you use and why?
  4. What emotion or idea did you want to capture in your photographs?

Spring 2016 Photo 2


Behind the Scenes

Student examples (Out of Class): 

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Student Examples (In Class):

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Spring 2015 Photo 2 Class Photos



First…build a mask!

Out of Class: For this project, you will be building your own mask to incorporate into a photo series. If you would like, you can use more than one mask by combining masks with a partner or coming in after school and build a second one (or builing it at home). There are also masks made last year that you can borrow. For your series, you will need to find a location or locations to create a photo shoot. It could be in the woods, downtown, in your kitchen, etc. Decide who will be wearing your mask. Will it be you? Will it be your brother, your friend? Mrs. Tesch has remotes for your camera so you can set your camera up on a tripod and photograph yourself.  Lastly, what kind of light will you use? Lighting is very important. Try to avoid florescent lighting. Think ahead so you’re not taking your photos the night before they’re due. You will need 5 images not taken in class due in class on Monday, April 18 (If you do not have your photos in class on time, it will be an automatic 10 points off your final project).

In Class: Along with your 5 images taken out of class, you will be using your mask in class to continue your photo series. You will be taking several minimal photos using both side light and back light.

Side Light

Image result for side light photography set up

Back Lighting

Image result for back lighting photography set up


The last portion of your photo series will be done in class, outside. We will be going to a wooded area. Students will work together to create a scene with multiple animals or just one animal. The scene could have animals and humans. The scene can be eerie or whimsical. It is up to you and your group to decide the vibe of your photo shoot and what everyone will need to wear and bring to class on the days we shoot.

We will be using reflectors for this shoot. On location, you will learn how to use the reflector to add more light to your subjects face. There are many different ways to use a reflector and you will be able to experiment to see how it affects your picture. Here is an example of what a photo looks like with a reflector and without.

Mrs. Tesch’s Examples

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